He’s my son

In mijn oneindige zoektocht naar informatie over de ATRT, een manier om Daan's leven te redden, kwam ik op een Amerikaanse site over een jongetje genaamd Ben, die helaas aan een ATRT is overleden. Onderstaand gedicht stond op zijn site en ik hield het niet droog toen ik het las. Het is zo mooi, en liefdevol geschreven.

I'm down on my knees again tonight,
I'm hoping this prayer will turn out right.
See, there is a boy that needs Your help.
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired,
I'm sure You can understand.
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand,
And she tries
Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place some how.
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep,
I dream of the boy he'd like to be.
I try to be strong and see him through,
But God, who he needs right now is You.
Let him grow old,
Live life without this fear.
What would I be
Living without him here?
He's so tired,
And he's scared
Let him know that You're there.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place some how.
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place somehow.
See, he's not just anyone.

Can You hear me?
Can You see him?
Please don't leave him,
He's my son.

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1 Reactie naar He’s my son

  1. Gina schreef:

    Hele dikke knuffel!

  2. Gina schreef:

    Hele dikke knuffel!

  3. esmeralda Ambrawo schreef:

    Beste Paula en Pim, Ik zag het bovenstaande en er ging ergens bij mij een lichtje branden vanuit mijn werk. Kijk eens op you tube bij Mark Schultz, he´s my son. Sterkte. Esmeralda

  4. Marieke schreef:

    Please don't leave him, He's my son… kan het hier ook niet droog houden hoor! Knuf Mariek

  5. Alies schreef:

    Jullie jongen, jullie Daan, he's not just anyone! Heel veel sterkte, deze komende spannende dagen. Onze gedachten en onze hoop gaan uit naar jullie allen. Liefs, René, Sophie, Isabelle en Alies.

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